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KF Glass Cryostat

The KF Glass Cryostat is the newest glass cryostat build for the SCEinLOM project.

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The glass cryostat was chosen because it uses less liquid helium in compassion to metal cryostats. After the glass cryostat arrived the stainless steal cap was designed to accommodate all the necessary openings, pipes and mounting points. The cap is self supporting so it does not stress the glass, and every flange has been designed to use standard ISO KF mounting system. All the joints are plasma welded so the helium does not escape but is returned into the institute wide helium return line. Also the helium cryostat can be vacuum pumped so temperatures bellow the 4.2 K can be reached. The anti-cryostat and the experiment space can be easily removed and replaced with another design if necessary. The whole assembly is compatible with the new DS-Mag Sample Holder.

The higher resolution image can be found here×1334.png

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